Our Projects

Sadaqa for the most needy

Our general Sadaqah Project is to help those most in need wherever they may be in the world.

Whether it is for emergency relief, poverty, natural disaster, or any other urgent need, Beyond Charity will provide that relief with your help.

Please give generously to alleviate suffering.





Family Food Packs

The best and quickest way to help those in need is by providing Food packs for the whole family. This provides urgent relief and can support families for many weeks at a time, even up to a month.

We provide food packs to families in need throughout the entire year, not just Ramadan.

Please give generously to support entire families.





Zakat Al Fitr

Zakat Al Fitr (also called fitra or fitrana) is a small charitable donation that is paid at the end of Ramadan and before the Eid Al-Fitr prayer.

The Zakat Al Fitr is paid for every member of the family which is currently set at $10 per person.

This zakaat is intended to reach the needy quickly, so the sooner it is paid the better.





Zakat Al Maal 2.5%

Zakat on wealth is an obligation for Muslims to be carried out once a year. It is calculated as 2.5% on your wealth, and is distributed to the poor and needy.

It is a means of purifying ones own wealth, as well as helping those who are eligible to receive the zakat.

We distribute your zakat al maal according the most urgent need at this time.





Where Do The Donations Go?

100% Donation Policy!

Our donation policy is simple …
every single dollar we receive from donors for projects, goes directly to those projects.

We work hard to keep our day to day operation and admin costs to a minimum, and we are supported by generous sponsors who donate specifically to cover those costs.

This helps us to ensure that every dollar you donate, goes exactly where its supposed to.

Partner with Beyond Charity to make a difference in the world.

acnc registered charity
tax deductible